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ST Modular HiHat module short sound demo
Boba Fat + Hi-Hat | ST Modular | Sound Demo
Why you hate modular synthesizers - hi-hats
Module Giveaway - ST Modular Boba Fat - Details and Sound Examples
ST Modular - HH & BOBA FAT
Mutant Hihats Demo
EURORACK MODULAR | Mutable Instruments,, Noise Reap, ST Modular, ADDAC System, Antumbra
ST Modular HH - DIY Build Timelapse and Explaination
Erica Synths Hi-Hats D and Cymbals
Making TECHNO with ST Modular Chasing Lights, Manis Iteratis, Plaits and Steve's MS-22
ST Modular - SINGER (PT2399 Craziness)